
Judges 19, Genesis 19

Numbers 25, Ruth

Genesis 22: 1-19, Binding of Isaac

Flood Story

Jesus’ teaching on divorce (Matthew 19:3-12, Mark 10:2-12)

The rich man and the eye of the needle (Matthew 19:23-26, Mark 10:24-27, Luke 18:24-27)

I come to bring division (Matthew 10:34-39, Luke 12: 49-53)

Matthew 18:21-35, parable of unforgiving servant

Mark 6:45-52, "they did not understand about the loaves and their hearts were hardened"

Luke 24:36-49: joy, disbelief and wonder

Psalm 137, confounded by lament and anger

Psalm 69 (70, 71), lament

Canaanite/Syrophoenician Woman

Psalm 14/53: "there is no one who does good. No, not one."